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Latest News

Partnership with Celebrity Chef Curtis Stone

Bestselling author and television personality of shows like Food Network’s All-Star Academy and Beach Eats. has designed “Crafted by Curtis” menu items in the main dining rooms of all ships in the fleet.

The Voice of the Ocean

Princess Cruises is partnering with one of the highest rated TV shows worldwide, The Voice. to bring this live event onboard. At the start of the cruise, karaoke tryouts will be held where passengers and crew will select contestants to compete for the Voice of the Ocean trophy. Singers will be assigned a mentor who will meet with them during the cruise to rehearse with the Princess Band and back-up singers in preparation for the live performance on the last night of the cruise. The audience will include three high-profile team coaches, one of whom might even be the Hotel General Manager or the ship’s Captain. Just like the hit TV show, the coaches will listen, but not see the performer, as they decide whether or not to turn their chair to choose the singer to be on their team. Once teams are chosen, coaches will then each pick one finalist. Audience members are in control of the final vote, using special voting remotes.

The Majestic Princess, sister ship to Royal and Regal Princesses, will set sail in summer 2017, bringing the Princess fleet to 18 ships. Tailored specifically for Chinese guests, she will be based in China year-round.

Featured on the 3,560 passenger Majestic Princess:

    Expanded atrium with entertainment and casual dining options The SeaWalk. a glass-bottomed walkway extending 28 feet over the side of the ship on the top deck The fleet's largest top deck pool ever with Movies Under the Stars showing nighttime showings on the big screen Balconies on all outside cabins Princess Live!. a television studio with live talk shows and performers with entertainment from 8am to midnight Chef’s Table Lumiere. a unique experience of dining with the Chef and eating a specially-prepared menu in a beautiful, private setting